Zion Hospitals today is equipped with the complete care and cure facilities offered through its various departments, backed by the best team of Doctors and Healthcare professionals.
VIEW ALLThe department of General Surgery is actively involved in the management of all general surgical problems including emergency services. Backed by the experience of the top experts…
KNOW MOREThe Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) is one of the most well equipped departments with experienced team and infrastructure. The department has acquired the support of modern…
KNOW MOREVascular surgery is a nascent surgical subspecialty in which diseases of the vascular system, or arteries and veins are managed by medical therapy, minimally-invasive catheter procedures,…
KNOW MOREThe department of Urology at Zion Hospital offers the best facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of genitourinary problems in adults and children. A highly qualified and experienced…
KNOW MOREThe department of Nephrology provides comprehensive health care for patients with different types of renal (kidney) diseases. Acute and chronic renal diseases caused by diabetes mellitus,…
KNOW MOREThe department of Anesthesiology and critical care medicine offers consultation in all areas of anesthesia and critical care as well as chronic and acute pain management.
KNOW MOREPatients with a severe degree of kidney failure who cannot lead a comfortable life with medications and dietary restrictions alone. They need a treatment modality known as dialysis,…
KNOW MOREOur Department of Neurology and Behavioral Sciences focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving the brain and spine, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. Our…
KNOW MOREOur full-fledged Orthopedics Department is one of the best units designed for muscular and skeletal injuries and is a reliable place for Accident and Trauma care Units. We have the…
KNOW MOREA woman’s life is marked by unique changes that occur with time: from conception, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. These changes do bring about problems, directly or indirectly…
KNOW MOREAt Zion Hospitals, the focus is on "Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeries’, and we a preferred centre for ‘Minimally Invasive Surgery’. Catering to patients all over, our department…
KNOW MOREThe department offers the best medical and support advice while trained therapists efficiently handle the problems case by case with total care. Different kind of challenges arising…
KNOW MOREProviding excellent clinical care to patients suffering from acute and chronic renal conditions, we are engineered to deliver excellent outcomes. As a modern and advanced centre ,…
KNOW MOREA Team of expert gastroenterologists and dedicated staff with a combined experience of good number of endoscopic procedures . Painless endoscopy and colonoscopy performed according…
KNOW MOREPsychiatry / Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences Psychiatry department deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of emotional, behavioral or cognitive disturbances. Psychiatry…
KNOW MOREToday, the efficiency and effective cure in delivering the best clinical care is done by the correct analysis based on the best testing facilities. The department of laboratory medicine…